The Data API allows users to run a variety of reports based on the UberAds geo-summary logs.

Job Status List

You may view existing jobs and their status on this listing screen.  If there are no jobs listed in this table, click the “Create Job” on the left panel to get started.

Job ID
: Job ID is a numerical designation to keep track of your requested Data API jobs. Click this number to see more details about the requested job.

: There are four possible statuses for a submitted job: SUBMITTED, IN_PROGRESS, COMPLETED, or FAILED.

If a job has completed, the report type will be visible in the appropriate column: Visitor, Device-based, or Path-to-Purchase. You may download the report by clicking on the report type.

Create a new Job

You may create a new job by clicking on “Create Job” in the left panel. This will send you to the Create New Job screen.

Report Details

In this area you will set all report details.

When the form is completed, click “Run Report” to submit the job. You will be redirected to the Job Status page, and emailed with results when the report(s) are ready.